Why Traditional Parenting Methods Are NOT Getting The Results They Had Hoped For Their High Energy Child
Created by Garland R. Johnson
This information covers 3 reasons why parents fail to give their children the tools for success.


Are you a parent struggling with your high energy, out of focus child? Or maybe here and there you see moments of great discipline in your child. However, it don't stay long...

When I look at the parenting today I notice there are 3 serious problems that are common amongst most parents of high energy children.

If we don't change how we operate with our children and give the tool to coop, we will lose. However, if you want to change your methods and join the winning side of the power parents in this new leveled up parent playing field, we can show you the path.


If you want to see real results from your child, you must have a reliable and proven rinse and repeat system to guide your child to their true potential. 

1.) No Success Recipe:

Most parents do not have a Success Recipe to guide, direct and focus their child's unlimited energy.

2.) Where do they go to find such a Success Recipe:

Most parents operate by what is called "Hope Parenting". Hoping that their child is just going through a phase and will grow out of it. Most times this is not the case. Unless the child receives the proper tools, that child will not have the foundation to succeed. 

3.) No predictable way to implement such a Success Recipe:

Most parents have no consistent process in how to ingrain habits of success that ensures their child development in this area. 

If you want to make a real impact your child's life for the positive, you must have a reliable and proven rinse and repeat system that insures your child is destined to become one of our future leaders of tomorrow. 

Let me ask you, "Are you fully prepared to send your child off into this world of uncertainty?"

The world is moving at the speed of now. We as parents need to provide every advantage to our children to grow up strong, focused, and confident enough to become the next Presidents of the United States, if they so desire. 


That is where we come into the picture. Our time tested, proven Tame & Aim Success Recipe is the essential system needed to set your child up for success for life. This solution provides the predictable foundation necessary to launch your child into becoming a Future Leader of Tomorrow. 

Please see the following story from The Welsh Family, who’s Zachary went through our Tame & Aim transformation. This is why we do what we do and we will do the same for you and your child.

You can register for a full free training session on this topic.

Let me know what you think of this down in the comments, I personally read and reply to all of them?

To your success, 

Professor Johnson & the team at UniversalKempoKarate.com

Universal Kempo Karate

The Johnson Family helps high energy children grow into successful future leaders of tomorrow. They are experts at helping parents with methods and making things super simple to understand.
If you're interested in starting your child's path to success and getting more focus and self control from your rambunctious child then definitely reach out and request a free strategy session today.
Mike Gowans CEO and Founder, MartialArtsGrowth.com
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